All these things must be true for an installment to appear
- Course Enrolment details for Learner:
- Course Enrolment FPS Facility – Is not blank
- Course Enrolment Start Date is before the end of the Export period
- Course Enrolment Actual End Date is either blank, or within 30 days before the start of the Export period
- Installment details for Learner enrolment. The export shows “Active FPS Data” which means installments that have ‘active’ protection in the selected export period:
- Installment Protection End Date is on or after the start of the Export period (greater than or equal to)
- Course Enrolment details for Learner:
- Course Enrolment Start Date is before the end of the Export period
- Course Enrolment Actual End Date is either blank, or within 30 days before the start of the Export period
- FPS Waiver is not blank