Within Learner enrolments, FPS fees will be calculated automatically once setup is correctly completed. Before you review the FPS Fees summary, make sure that FPS Checklist Items have been set up in the Organisation section.
LRM Owners or Administrators need to set up checklist items for tuition and non-tuition fees. The following checklist item types may be used for FPS fee calculations:
- FPS Fees
- Non FPS Fees
Learn More? How to add a new checklist item and How to set default fee items for Course Offers
How to Access and View the FPS Instalments Screen
- Navigate to LRM > Learners
- Go to the relevant client profile page
- Select the desired course offer enrolment and click on it
- In the Left Navigation bar, Under Current Course Enrolment, click FPS
Review the Fees Summary, Update and Recalculate
The fees summary for a Learner is the sum of all FPS checklist item amounts. If it is incorrect, you need to add to or edit the Learner’s Course Offer enrolment checklist items.
See How to Add, Edit and delete a Checklist Item and How to Link Checklist to a Record
How to Add, Edit and Delete FPS Instalments
- In the FPS screen, enter the number of instalments you want to create
- Click Create Instalments
- The instalments will appear in a list below the fees summary. The instalments will be set for the first of the month. You can edit the dates if required
- If you choose the option ‘All instalments should be equal amounts’ then all instalments will be equal
- If you choose the option ‘First instalment should be 20% of total’ then, the first instalment will be 20% of the total fees
- The instalments will appear in a list below the fees summary. The instalments will be set for the first of the month. You can edit the dates if required
- For the instalment you want to edit, click the Edit link to the far right
- Update as required
- Either:
- Save,
- Save and edit next, or
- Cancel
- Enter the FPS tab. Delete all instalments
- If you cannot delete the instalments, go to the course enrolment checklist page and make sure there is at least one FPS checklist item added to the enrolment. Then try again to delete the instalments
Q1. If the fees summary is wrong, what should I do?
Review the Fees Summary for this enrolment and adjust if needed. Click ‘recalculate fees’ in the Client Course Offer Enrolment FPS screen to show the updated fees.
Q2. I can’t see a fees summary even though I have set up this Learner’s fees. What should I do?
Click the ‘calculate fees’ button. The fees summary should appear.