
How to Test NSI REST Interface

Ensure you follow all testing scripts as directed by the Ministry’s NSI REST Interface Testing Procedure document. Please give yourself at least 3 hours to complete this once-off process.

NOTE: This guide is updated for Ministry’s Testing Procedure Version 2.1  – May 2020

Required Portal Access: Admin


Navigate to LRM > Settings


Modify NSI settings
  1. Under App Settings, Click LRM
  2. Enter and Save your test NSI settings into these fields:


Navigate to LRM > Learners
  1. Add a new Test Learner profile
  2. Edit Personal Details
  3. Next to the NSN Bar, click on the Binoculars Icon to search for a Learner record by NSN or any other criteria
  4. The *** TEST MODE *** NSI Interface should pop up as shown in the image
  5. You are now ready to test your Wisenet NSI REST Interface using the testing procedure provided by the Ministry.

NSI Interface Overview

The following information can be used as a guide to answer the General Questions in the Testing Procedure.

Wisenet NSI Testing Guide

There are mainly ‘Search’, ‘Add’ and ‘Update’ functions within the Wisenet NSI Interface. Please note that the below is only a guide and you must follow all testing scripts as directed by the Ministry’s NSI REST Interface Testing Procedure document.


Search Test Scripts

  1. You can search using either ‘NSN’ or ‘Other’. Search fields available in ‘Other’:
    • Family Name
    • Given Name 1
    • Given Name 2
    • Date of Birth
  1. Either “No search results found” message or matching records will display.


Add Record Test Scripts
  1. Click on Add New Record on the top right to add new records. Fields available to add:
    • First Name (ForeName 1)
    • Middle Name (ForeName 2)
    • Forename 3
    • Last Name
    • Preferred Name (ForeName)
    • Name/DOB Verified on sight of
    • Date of Birth
    • Alternate ForeName 1
    • Alternate ForeName 2
    • Alternate ForeName 3
    • Alternate Last Name
    • Preferred Name (Alternate)
    • Alternate Name Verified on sight of
    • Gender
    • Residential Status
    • Residential Status Verified on sight of
  2. Click on Add Record to National Student Index Database 
  3. Either “Successfully Saved” or “Definite Match” message will display.
    Only the “successfully saved” record will be saved to NSI.
  4. All override codes are behind-the-scenes. If you wish to manually override and provide the code you will need to use your personal login to the full NSI website. 


Update Record Test Scripts
  1. Search using either ‘NSN’ or ‘Other’. 
  2. Click on Edit on right side of the record. Fields available for update:
    • First Name (ForeName 1)
    • Middle Name (ForeName 2)
    • Forename 3
    • Last Name
    • Preferred Name (ForeName)
    • Name/DOB Verified
    • Date of Birth
    • Gender
    • Residential Status
    • Residential Status Verified
  3. Either “record has been updated” or an “Error 034: This record contains verified name and birth date information” message will display.


Unavailable Test Scripts

The following functionalities are not part of the Wisenet NSI Interface:

    1. Merge Record Test Scripts
    2. Create/Update Student-Provider Relationships
    3. Change Notifications / Challenge student details

In your test notes, state that “This functionality is not part of the Wisenet NSI interface”.

If you need to perform any of the above,  use the full web interface and your personal login.


Remove Test NSI Account Details

Once you have completed testing you should remove the NSI Username and Password from the Account Setting section.


Submit your test results to the Ministry

Instructions for submission will be stated in the email from MoE. Wait for their approval and live login information before setting up your live NSI interface.

If MoE does not supply the live login information, you will need to request it from them. If you have questions about the process, please contact MoE directly on moe.contactcentre@minedu.govt.nz.