The Wisenet Student’s Course Enrolments endpoint allows your applications to get information about course enrolments for a student.
List All Course Enrolments for Student
GET /students/student/{id}/courseenrolments
Returns the list of course enrolments for the student with the given {id}
Sample request:
curl _X GET \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.mywisenet.api.v1+xml' \
Sample response:
<CourseEnrolmentSet xmlns="" xmlns:i=""> <SetCount>1</SetCount> <CourseEnrolments> <CourseEnrolment> <CourseCode>CO1</CourseCode> <CourseEnrolmentId>1</CourseEnrolmentId> <CourseOffer> <CourseEnrolmentsLink> <Href>courseoffers/enrolments</Href> <Rel>self</Rel> <Title>All CourseEnrolments</Title> </CourseEnrolmentsLink> <CourseId>0</CourseId> <CourseOfferId>1</CourseOfferId> <Link> <Href>courseoffers/courseoffer/1</Href> <Rel>self</Rel> <Title>08VUCHO3 - CERTIFICATE II IN HOSPITALITY (OPERATIONS)</Title> </Link> <OfferCode>08VUCHO3</OfferCode> <OfferDescription>CERTIFICATE II IN HOSPITALITY (OPERATIONS)</OfferDescription> <UrlEnrol i:nil="true"/> </CourseOffer> <EnrolmentStatus> <Code>1</Code> <Description>Cancelled - No Penalty</Description> </EnrolmentStatus> <LastUpdated>2011-12-13T09:18:39.123</LastUpdated> <Link> <Href>courseoffers/enrolments/enrolment/1</Href> <Rel>self</Rel> <Title>STD0000001: 08VUCHO3 - CERTIFICATE II IN HOSPITALITY (OPERATIONS)</Title> </Link> <MoodleAccessEnabled>true</MoodleAccessEnabled> <PeriodEnrolled> <EndDate>2011-10-04T00:00:00</EndDate> <StartDate>2011-09-04T00:00:00</StartDate> </PeriodEnrolled> <Student> <EmailAddress></EmailAddress> <FirstName>Fitzwilliam</FirstName> <LastName>Darcy</LastName> <LastUpdated>2011-12-13T09:18:39.123</LastUpdated> <Link> <Href>students/student/1</Href> <Rel>self</Rel> <Title>STD0000001: Fitzwilliam Darcy</Title> </Link> <RefInternal>STD0000001</RefInternal> <StudentId>1</StudentId> <Username></Username> </Student> <StudyMode> <Code>FT</Code> <Description>Full Time (FT)</Description> </StudyMode> </CourseEnrolment> </CourseEnrolments> <Link> <Href>/courseoffers/enrolments</Href> <Rel>self</Rel> <Title>Enrolments</Title> </Link> </CourseEnrolmentSet>
C# Code Sample
public static void GetCourseEnrolmentsSample() { const string url = "{id}/courseenrolments"; var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; request.Accept = "application/vnd.mywisenet.api.v1+xml"; request.Method = "GET"; request.UserAgent = "C# Sample Client"; try { // Get response using (var response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { // Get the response stream using (var responseReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { string responseBody = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); // Console application output Console.WriteLine(responseBody); } } } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }
List modified Course Enrolments for Student
GET /students/student/{id}/courseenrolments
Set the If-Modified-Since header in the HTTP request. The date must be in UTC format.
Returns the list of course enrolments for the specified student {id} created or modified since the specified date.
The Course Enrolments endpoint will filter on the <LastAuditTimestamp> field and enrolled <StudentId> of each enrolment. The <LastAuditTimestamp> field is set to the current UTC date whenever an enrolment is created or edited.
Sample request:
curl _X GET \ -H 'Accept: application/vnd.mywisenet.api.v1+xml' \ -H 'If-Modified-Since: Fri, 8 Jul 2011 1:43:31 GMT' \
Response format would be the same as for the List All Course Enrolments for Student command.
Note: We would recommend that all calls to list Course Enrolments from the API use this If-Modified-Since parameter.
C# Code Sample
private static void GetIfModifiedSinceSample() { const string url = ""; var request = HttpWebRequest.Create(url) as HttpWebRequest; request.Accept = "application/vnd.mywisenet.api.v1+xml"; request.IfModifiedSince = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); request.Method = "GET"; request.UserAgent = "C# Sample Client"; try { // Get response using (var response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse) { // Get the response stream using (var responseReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { string responseBody = responseReader.ReadToEnd(); // Console application output Console.WriteLine(responseBody); } } } catch (WebException ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: {0}", ex.Message); } }