
Reporting for South Australia

South Australia has re-purposed a number of AVETMISS fields with rules specific to the State training requirement. This article is related to the AVETMISS 8 Training Activity (NAT120) File specifications for South Australia only.

Use the table below to find information about a specific field with actions required to complete in Wisenet, in order to prevent errors in your reporting.

SA Rules
How to Set Up School Location ID

See the list of School Locations to get the location ID before you follow the steps below to set up your School Location ID.


Add School as a Workplace
  1. Navigate to LRM > Workplaces
  2. Search for the Workplace you wish to add to avoid adding a duplicate record.
  3. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Add New
  4. In the Workplace Code section, enter the relevant Location ID (See the list of School Locations to get the location ID)
    1. Choose either link to an existing location or add a new location
      1. This will create a linked location record that will be auto updated with the same details as the Workplace to simplify location management
  5. Enter the details of your workplace (school)
  6. Click Confirm


Link Learner to Workplace (School)
  1. Open the Learner record
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, click Positions
  3. From the Action Menu, Select and Click Add
  4. Search and select the Workplace.
  5. Fill out the details as applicable ensure that you set the Workplace Type as School
  6. Click Save

Learn More? How to Link a Learner to a Workplace