NCVER National Reporting
All Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) need to collect and report AVETMISS data on all accredited training activity. AVETMISS is a national data standard which ensures the consistency and accuracy of vocational education and training (VET) information and covers the national VET data collections:
- the National VET Provider Collection
- the National Apprentice and Trainee Collection
- the National VET in Schools Collection
- the National VET Financial Data Collection.
About Quarterly Reporting
While you are still required to do your yearly AVETMISS reporting, all RTOs now have the option to submit data to NCVER quarterly, beginning with the January to March 2018 collection period on all of the nationally recognised training activity delivered by your organisation.
It is optional to do quarterly reporting, however to reduce the hassle and stress associated with end of year reporting, we highly recommend doing your NCVER National reporting quarterly.
Learn More? AVETMISS Fact Sheet
How does it impact your AVETMISS Export?
Wisenet will automatically export the required Collection Period data based on the date the Export is ran. Therefore, you are not required to change anything in your export process.
i.e. If you ran an Export on 16th May then Wisenet would auto export the Jan – Jun collection periods for you as the collection period window for Jan – Mar is now closed.
New Collection Periods (Optional but Recommended)
The quarterly collection periods are cumulative, which means:
- your submission for quarter 1 will only include training activity delivered in quarter 1
- your submission for quarter 2 must include training activity delivered in quarter 1 and 2
- your submission for quarter 3 must include training activity delivered in quarter 1, 2 and 3
- your submission for quarter 4 must include training activity delivered in quarter 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Annual)
The quarterly collection windows open four weeks after the end of the quarter, and remain open for a two week period. The collection periods for 2018 are: