
Wisenet Report: EPI

“Education Performance Indicators (EPIs) are designed to help TEOs manage and monitor their own performance and to deliver on their agreed tertiary education services.”August 2019, TEC’s website

Wisenet has built the corresponding reports in accordance with the 5 EPIs listed by TEC. These are:

    1. Successful Unit Completion Rate (EFTS-based)
    2. Student Progression Rate (Level-based)
    3. Cohort-based Qualification Completions
    4. Cohort-based First-Year Retention Rates 
    5. Participation (EFTS-based) –  will be documented soon

The reports follow the latest TEC guidelines and should only be used as a guide. Please see the list of EPI Reports below and follow the steps on How To Generate a Report relevant to your requirements.

Wisenet Terminology

Understanding Wisenet’s terminology on your EPI Reports

Methodology and Wisenet Specifications

EPI 1: Successful Unit Completions (EFTS-based)


“To date” = the report will automatically filter EFTS data up to today’s date within the same year. This allows accuracy up to the past month to ensure that current and future months do not impact the calculations

  • Total Successful EFTS is based on unit enrolment Outcome = 2
  • Unit enrolments with Outcome = R, W or empty are excluded from total calculations
  • Unit enrolments with unticked SDR checkboxes are excluded from total calculations
  • Qualifications with Qualification Award Category = 90, 96, 97, 99 or empty are excluded

Recommended Report: 

Generate Report #2070 EPI Unit Completion Analysis and apply the following filter:

  • General filter EFTS year EQUALS Year you want calculations for

Learn More? How we Calculate EFTS

EPI 2: Student Progression Rate (Level-based)


  • Numerator: Count of learners enrolled in Level higher than X within 12 months
    • Only include learners who are enrolled in a current level greater than previous level 
    • Only include learners where their minimum unit enrolment start date of the current Qualification is 6 months before, or 12 months after the maximum unit enrolment end date of the previous completed Qualification
    • Qualifications with Qualification Award Category = 90, 96, 97, 99 or empty are excluded
  • Denominator: Count of learners who completed Level_X qualification
    • Only includes enrolments with included EFTS
    • Only includes Levels 1 – 4
    • Only includes Course (Qualification) Enrolments where Qual Issued Flag = True
    • Qualifications with Qualification Award Category = 25, 37, 90, 96, 97, 98, 99 or empty are excluded

Recommended Report: 

Generate Report #2132: EPI Progression Rates and apply the following filter:

  • General filter reporting year EQUALS Year you want calculations for
EPI 3: Cohort-based Qualification Completions


A Qual Completion is based on the Qualification Issued Flag = True and the Actual End Date Year (or if empty Nominal End Date Year) less than or equal to the reporting year.

A Cohort Starting Year is calculated based on TEC’s definitions of Cohort timeframes.

  • For levels 1 to 3, a two-year time period is used. 2014 to 2015 is counted as 2 years.
  • For levels 4 to 7 non-degree, a four-year time period is used. 2012 to 2015 is counted as 4 years.
  • For levels 7 (degree) and above, a six-year time period is used. 2010 to 2015 is counted as 6 years.

The report counts unique Learners and not Qualification Enrolments.

The following records are excluded from total calculations:

  • Unit enrolments with For SDR false
  • Unit enrolments with Fund Source = 05, 06, 11, 23, 33 or empty
  • Units with Classification = 5.1
  • Qualifications with Qualification Award Category = 25, 37, 90, 96, 97, 98, 99 or empty

Recommended Report: 

Generate Report #2099: EPI Cohort-based Qualification Completion and apply the following filter:

  • General filter reporting year EQUALS Year you want calculations for
EPI 4: Cohort-based First-Year Retention Rates


First-Year Cohort is the Level (Cohort) Year combination, eg. Level 1-3 2017 or Level 1-3 2018 which only takes into account the past year.

The Reporting Year is Year+1

A Starting Learner is based on a Learners’ Course (Qualification) Enrolment Start Date Year.

A Remaining Learner is based on a Learner who has EFTS in the Reporting Year (Year+1 of Qual Enrolment Start Date Year).

  • Learners enrolled in Qualifications with EFTS less than 2 are excluded
  • Only learners enrolled in Levels 4 and above are included
  • Any unit enrolments with Fund Source = 05, 06, 11, 23, 33 or empty are excluded

Recommended Report: 

Generate Report #2131: EPI Cohort-based Retention Rates and apply the following filter:

  • General filter reporting year EQUALS Year you want calculations for
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Wisenet Reports | Reports |EPI