This page is designed to provide guidance for the Data Import Process when you are onboarding from a different Student Management System to Wisenet Learning Management System. It is achieved by using specific Wisenet Import Templates which are built to guide you with the required structure and naming.
Data Import Templates
Download Template: Wisenet AU Data Import Template v14
Download Template: Wisenet NZ Data Import Template v18
Download Template: Please contact us.
Download Template: Not currently available. See how to add manually Agent
Download Template: Wisenet Sales Import Template
Data Import Process Summary
- Download the correct Data Import Template (see links for each country above)
- The Template is designed to guide you with the required structure and naming (see below: Preparing Data Import)
- Prepare your data to match the Data Import Template by either:
- Generating correctly formatted reports from a source system in Excel format
or - Manually entering data into Excel
- Generating correctly formatted reports from a source system in Excel format
- Submit to Wisenet for review via a Support Ticket
- Wisenet will review the supplied data and either pass or fail depending on data quality
- Once passed Wisenet can proceed with an import into either the test or live account as required
- Customer can then sign-off on the imported data
Preparing Data for the Import
- How to enter data into template.
- The data must be provided using the EXACT structure as defined in the Wisenet Import Template
- You do not need to enter data directly into our template. We just need an Excel document of the same structure
- The structure ensures that the data will correctly map into Wisenet
- Fields that refer to a dropdown need to refer to a matching Code or Description value
- When supplying your data we do NOT need the sheets for dropdown values
- At no point should the structure or naming of the Template be altered
- Doing so will cause errors and you will need to make alterations
- We will complete a validation process to ensure that the provided data
- matches the template structure
- meets the defined validation rules for data types, lengths and dropdown values
- We recommend that you prepare the data by running a report from another system
- This allows you to easily tweak and repeat the export process over time until you get it right
- This is particularly important if your data is continually changing up until the final import as it allows you to easily repeat the extract process
- You can still manually enter data if desired
- You can enter directly into the template and including only row1 with the field names and your data
- Wisenet will only import the supplied data
- You can leave a field empty if you do not require it OR if you cannot locate a particular field in your source data
- Do NOT put N/A etc as this will be entered into Wisenet
- We will advise you if a critical field is missing that will dramatically affect the quality of the import
- You can leave a field empty if you do not require it OR if you cannot locate a particular field in your source data
- Please send your completed data to Wisenet in a Support Ticket
- Should I enter data directly into the Template?
- It is best to use the template as a Guide and create a new Excel document as required
- Do I need to populate all of the fields in the Wisenet Template?
- No, you do not need to populate all the fields in the template, only the fields which you wish to import. If you have no data for a specific field, please include the field reference but leave as blank.
- Is there a restriction on how many rows of data I can put into the xls template?
- .xls workbooks have 65,536 rows per sheet
- .xlsx, .xlsm and .xlsb workbooks have 1,048,576 rows per sheet
- Can I import Classes and Attendance
- No. Class and attendance data is hard to map between applications. It is too risky to attempt to import this data.
- Customers typically opt to finalise attendance from old systems and start attendance from scratch in Wisenet
- If you wish to archive your old data you can use the following Student Class Attendance Archive
- You will need to run a report from your old system to extract this data in order to copy it into the excel file
- While not needed and additional costs, the aggregated sheet could then be added against each Client record in Wisenet
- The cleanest place for this would be under Client Checklist