Reels Learn to use Wisenet’s LRM at your own pace.Watch videos that explain the features, and help you engage more with the application. Log Support Leave FeedbackVirtual Discovery Sessions 2021Courses and UnitsLearners and EnrolmentsManaging EnrolmentsReports and DocumentsExports and ValidationSupport ServicesSetupIntegrationCourses and Units Learners and Enrolments Manage Enrolments Reports and Documents Exports and Validation Virtual Discovery Sessions 2020Explore More… Getting your Private Training Provider prepared for JobTrainer & upcoming intakesAdapting your Training Provider to the new working culture using Wisenet’s powerful workflow engineAction your data with metric driven reporting to improve communicationPreparing for the digital economy & moving your Private Training Provider onlineImproving your engagement & relationships with your learnersUsing Wisenet to remove the complexity of VSL & Higher Education reportingMusic used in the reels are from: www.bensound.comWatch more videos on Wisenet’s YouTube channel and subscribe for updates.Subscribe Now