
How To Generate Warning Letters

You can produce Warning Letters for individual or multiple Learners. They are used for three purposes, namely Attendance, Course Progress, and Fee Payment monitoring. The process is the same for all three, but please note that for Attendance Warning Letters, it is very important to attach Learners to a Timetable and monitor their Attendance.

Follow the step-by-step instructions below on how to generate Warning Letters.

Required LRM Access: Admin


Required Pre-Steps

For Attendance Warning Letters, it is very important to:

  1. attach Learners to a timetable and
  2. monitor their attendance


Create your Warning Letter Template

  1. Create your own custom warning letter templates using uReport Templates. See Creating a Custom uReport Document
    • IMPORTANT NOTE: Warning Letter is part of the General Template Type. Therefore you are required to use the General Regions and Fields.


Generate Warning Letter

  1. Navigate to LRM > Learners
  2. Search for the relevant Learner
  3. Under Enrolments, Open the relevant Course Enrolment
  4. On the Left Navigation Bar, click on Enrolment Logbook
  5. Click on the Action Menu, Select and Generate uReport
  6. Select the relevant uReport Template Type from the Dropdown Menu
  7. Select the relevant uReport Template from the Dropdown Menu
  8. Complete all relevant section accordingly
  9. Click Save
  1. Navigate to LRM > Course Offers
  2. Search for the relevant Course Offer
  3. On the Left Navigation Bar, Click on Enrolments
  4. Tick the First Checkbox to select all learners listed, alternatively tick the checkbox next to each of the learner you want to generate the uReport for
  5. At the bottom of the page, Click on the Action Dropdown Menu and select Generate uReports
  6. Select uReport Template Type from the Dropdown menu
  7. Select uReport Template from the Dropdown menu
  8. Complete all relevant message sections accordingly
  9. Click Save

Note: The Bulk feature is only available if you are on the Wisenet Premium Package or higher.


Streamline your Process

Use Learncycles 

  1. Search for the relevant Course Offer
  2. On the Left Navigation Bar, Click on Learncycle
  3. From the Action Menu, Select and Click on Add Learncycle Activity
  4. Select the trigger condition:
    • When…(select the option relevant to you)
      • Course Enrolment Status Reason changes to <you choose> (Ex: Warning Letter 1)
    • Then do this…
      • Select and Click on Generate uReport
      • Select uReport Template Type
      • Select uReport Template (Ex: Warning Letter 1)
      • Complete all relevant sections
      • (Optional) Click on Preview to check your template and update if required
      • Click Save

Repeat the above until you complete adding all warning letters as Learncycle activities.

When the Course Enrolment meets your trigger condition, the uReport document will be generated automatically with your learner’s details substituted for the uReport template placeholders. And sent out as a message if you configured a message.  A File Note will be saved in the Client Course Enrolment Logbook.

Learn More? Learn about Learncycle

Note: You need to create specific Status Reasons for each warning letter if you have multiple warning letters. Example – Warning Letter 1, Warning Letter 2 and so on.