
How To Change Over to new Learner App

In early 2025 the legacy Learner App will be discontinued. Before this happens, make sure you have set up the new Learner App and invited your Learners to it.

Required Access: Portal Admin and LRM Owner


Set up Learner App

How to set up Learner App


Make your site Live

Switch your site from Not Published to Live.

Step 2.2 in How to edit Learner App settings


Turn on “New Learner App” toggle

  1. Navigate to LRM > Settings > LRM (under App Settings)
  2. Turn the New Learner App toggle to ON

This ensures that when Learners get Learner App access for the first time, they are sent the correct email template.

Note: The email template is customisable.
Name: Email sent to Learner when their Learner App account is created
Location: LRM > Settings > Email Templates (under Configuration)


Direct your Learners to the current Learner App

Learners with existing Learner App access need to be given the current Learner App address and login information.

  1. Navigate to LRM > Learners
  2. Add a filter: Has Learner App Access = true
  3. Select all records
  4. Click Action > Bulk Send Email
  5. Send an email directing the Learners to log into the new Learner App. Learners must complete the forgot password flow to set a new password and have access to the app.

Email template suggestion

Subject: Transition to the New Learner App

Dear {{Learner.FirstName}} {{Learner.LastName}},

We are excited to introduce our new Learner App, which will replace the old one.

The Learner App is available at: [INSERT LEARNER APP URL HERE]

Your Learner App username is: {{Learner.Username}}

To access your account, please visit the site and use the “Forgot Password” option to set up a new password. Rest assured, all your information has been transferred to this app.

The old Learner App will soon be discontinued, so we encourage you to start using the new Learner App immediately.

Kind regards,

NOTE: You can find the Learner App URL at LRM > Settings > Learner App [NEW] (under App Settings).