
How To Bulk Update Unit Enrolments from Timetables

Before you begin:

Required Knowledge:

Required LRM Access: Admin

Required Pre-Steps: Enrolment, Unit Offers, Timetables



Select Bulk Update Option
  1. Open the relevant Timetable
  2. In the Left Navigation Bar, click Class List
  3. Find the required Class and click the Clients link that is to the right of it in the table
    • Note: If you clicked on the Class Code in the Left Menu under Class Details click Clients
  4. You should now be in the Clients for Class XYZ page
  5. Select the relevant Learners
  6. Select Action and Bulk Update Unit Enrolments
Select Units and Updates
  1. This will show all Units that selected Learners are enrolled into
  2. Select the Units you wish to update and click Next
  3. The next screen shows all available Unit Offers that Learners are enrolled into
    • This is to prevent updating old Unit Enrolments
  4. Tick the fields that you wish to update and enter the relevant details
    • Only existing Unit Enrolments will be updated; no new enrolments will be created
  5. Click Save

You will receive a confirmation message. You can now choose

  • Update more unit enrolments which allows you to update the same Learners but for different Unit Enrolments repeating steps 1-5
  • Back to Class Client List
  1. Open the relevant Timetable
  2. In the Left Menu under Timetable Wizards, click Update Client Units
  3. Select Units to update
  4. Complete Outcome Information. Select Fields and enter relevant details
  5. Select Learners 
  6. Next
  7. Save Changes
  8. Confirmation appears. Click Continue.